Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00366

From: "Jesse D."
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 22:17:24 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] uSE Production

I recently received an E-mail from our mentor Mark Tilden. He informed
me that my production of the Micro-SolarEngines was within his
allowances as long as I mention that the circuit is patented my himself.

I am in the US ARMY and currently deploying to the National Training
Center (NTC) in california on the 18th of february, which means I won't
produce any units till around may. Im going to go ahead and order some
partsbut won't get to working for a month or so, therefor if you wish to
purchase one of my uSEs you will have to wait a bit. In the near future
I will construct a detailed web page with prices and availability.

Thank You...
__ __ Jesse C. Druehl __ __
/ `-' / ,,, AKA (Smoke) ,,, \ `-' \
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