Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00353

From: []
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 12:40:50 -0700
Subject: question

>Could someone explain to me how this pricing reality jives with the BEAM philosophy
>of a better CHEAPER bot. Don't get me wrong, I love this technology and would
>like to see it advance into truly living machines. I just don't see how thats
>possible when those that will develope that goal can't afford the tech at a
>retail level. OK Johnny Storm, FLAME ON!

Almost all processor Bots Have custom made PCB's(I have never heard of a free form
circuitry processor bot). PCB's jack up the price of building a processor bot from
scratch. You must have patience, I have seen BEAM slowly advance over the time I have
been interested in it. BEAM tech wasn't invented to sell robotics kits at a competitive
retail level. Remember processor based robots have had a lot of time to become as
sophisticated as they are now, they have a 30 yr head start. Also, this is NEW technology,
and that is almost always expensive. Wonder why p100 processors cost very much less
than the p II 450's?

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