Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00331

To: gforce777, BEAM Group
From: dennison
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 19:56:21 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Snake

Actually I've built one. Besides myself though I don't know anyone else who
has built one. Ian said he was working on his own but I haven't heard
anything else. It's not to difficult a project to undertake, I plan to have
instructions on my web site sometime, but considering the amount of time it
took just to get the web site up, don't hold your breath. I would recomend
analyzing photos of snake bot that are avalible on the net at solarbotics.
Thats how I built mine.'


>If any of you remember the special that aired on the Discovery Channel last
>year "Robots Rising," Brosl Hasslacher was handling a BEAMbot named
>It looked to be a compilation of bras colored piping of some sort that
>mimicked a snake in its movement. When he picked it up, it wiggled around
>if trying to get out of his hands. Do any of you have any infomation
>schematics, pictures, anything) conserning Snake? I think that is one of
>coolest BEAMbots I have seen but have not heard nor seen anything about it.
>Eric Jobe

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