Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00290

From: "Keagan Schpfer"
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 21:32:23 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Motors, Motors, Motors

I am trying to get motors. I have looked everywhere for them, and I have
found a few, but this being my first time with a walker, i am not sure
what kind are good to use. I went to BG micro, and on page 17 of their
on-line catalogue ( ) there was a
motor called the "Robot Builders Dream". I was wondering if this is the
kind of motors I am looking for. It seemed a reasonable price too. I
would really appreciate any helpfull hints from the more experienced
builders, and if there is any information on interfacing sensors with a
microcore, i would really like to get my hands on some information.

Thanks A Million

KEagan Schopfer


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