Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00288

From: JoHn DoUgH
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 16:48:21 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [alt-beam] DC Motor Speed Control...


I'm relatively new to BEAM, and have been looking at a few of the basic
circuits (the solar engine, microcore, bicore, hbridge...) However, that is
all I've been able to find. Does a site exist that explains most of these
patented circuits? (ie. How they work, what their purpose is, how to use them
in designing BEAM machines etc.)

Concering the Subject, would it be feasible/possible to use some sort of a DC
motor speed control circuit to control the motors in a 'walker'? I once
looked for those tiny toy-like gears for reducing speed, but I never managed
to find any for sale. Or, a better question would be "where on earth can one
purchase those tiny gears?"!

One more thing! I'm not quite sure of the exact underlying theory or purpose
behind BEAM, although I'm fairly sure code would be considered cheating. I have
no real electronics background (basic hobbyist skills) although I'm fairly
profficient in C/C++. I've been looking at this BASIC Stamp. Looks pretty
cool. Has anyone ever played around with one? Have any info. about it?
(All I know is that BASIC is dead easy, anyone can learn it) ;)


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