Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00282
From: Justin
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 13:48:52 +1300
Subject: Re: Capacitor voltage?
> Could some tell me how the voltage of a capacitor affects the cycle of a SE?
> Also I have Three SE's (none working) with all different triggers, I have two
> solar panels from calculators, when put in series and parallel they do not
> provide enough power. Could this be the panals or the Engines?
Disclaimer: Possible "blind-leading-the-blind" scenario.
In my understanding, the voltage rating of the cap, within reason, does
not affect the cycle. In traditional electronics, you tend to work out
the capacitance and then just use any old cap provided it's voltage
rating is above what you're using. That said, the obvious advantage to
using the lowest voltage rating you can get away with is the size of the
cap. I suspect that high-voltage caps might have a slightly greater
charge leakage, but even if this is the case, it would depend on the
type of cap and lots of other factors.
Regarding your second question, it could be both. If the SE's use more
current during charging than the solar cells provides, then it's not
goint to work. A solution could be either bigger solar panels, or
building a more efficient solar engine (eg using a 1381 instead of a
FLED for example).
I'm assuming the calculator panels provide enough voltage. You might
want to check with a multimeter just in case.
283 Mon, 08 Feb 1999 22:27:56 -0000 [alt-beam] N/2 neurons
Hello alt-beamers
Anyone read the N/2 paper yet?
I have some updates to announce but I need feedback!
Anxiously awaiting your reply,
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