Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00268
To: beam, BEAM List
From: dennison
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 19:38:03 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Info on the Beam Booklets
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I finished the first BEAM Booklet. It's simply called BEAM, and has a pictu=
re of the NV topology of Mark Tildens Spyder robot, the schematic from his =
patent. The content for this Booklet is simply all of the avalible papers, =
Living Machines, The Full Patent, And three other papers, one on SAT Bot (R=
eally interesting!, Another Feild test booklet from LANL, And one other pap=
er that is VERY detailed. Anyway, the books cost about $10.00 to produce. T=
his includes a stiff cover, and Velo Binding. You may ask Why ten? Well, at=
the moment, this is an estimate, but very close to actuall cost. Right now=
the printing places Velo binding machine Is broken. So, I'll have to wait.=
I was thinking, perhpas I'll go with Spiral bind, this makes the pages sta=
y flat which is important especially if your working from any of the books =
schematics. This will change the cost. Also, YES the books get much cheaper=
in quantity, BUT i don't have the money to run out and print fiftey of the=
m. Not happening. However I can get the books bound on the spot in one or t=
wo days, for about ten dollars. (Don't know shipping and handleing yet)
The First Booklet:
BEAM: Picture of the topology of Mark T's Spyder on the front. From the pat=
Contains: The Patent, The Living Machiens Paper, Controller for a Four legg=
ed walking Machine, Yuma Proving grounds, Automatic UXO Detection using Bio=
morphic robots, SATBOT 1: Prototype of a Biomorphic Autonomous Spacecraft.
About fiftey pages in length. Each page is double sided. About 90 pages wor=
th of single sided material. (Imagine printing that out!)
The price is about Ten dollars, Please contact me if you are interested. =
Dennison =
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This will change the cost. Also, YES the books get much cheaper in quantity=
, BUT =
i don't have the money to run out and print fiftey of them. Not happening. =
However I can get the books bound on the spot in one or two days, for about=
ten =
dollars. (Don't know shipping and handleing yet)
The First Booklet:
BEAM: Picture of the topology of Mark T's Spyder on the=
front. =
From the patent.
Contains: The Patent, The Living Machiens Paper, Contro=
ller =
for a Four legged walking Machine, Yuma Proving grounds, Automatic UXO Dete=
ction =
using Biomorphic robots, SATBOT 1: Prototype of a Biomorphic Autonomous =
About fiftey pages in length. Each page is double sided=
. About =
90 pages worth of single sided material. (Imagine printing that =
The price is about Ten dollars, Please contact me if yo=
u are =
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