Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00255

To: ""
From: zeroheroz
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 23:01:47 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] It's Alive!!!!

There is a new Photovore in the world !!! I modeled it after
the design on Chiu-Yuan Fang's page. ( Chui you think your
aesthetics are dreadful, you should see mine!!!!) ;o) It
ain't pretty but I'm proud of it none the less.
I feel giddy!! I feel like Gene Wielder in Young
Frankinstein, I want to build 10 more LOL....... Thanks to
all on the board who provide the great info. and esp.
thanks to Chui for an excellent Webpage!!!! .......ZeRo
(BTW I named him Fang)

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