Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00248

From: "Chris Daniel"
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 18:22:08 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Walkers - can someone please help?

I've decided that once I build the stuff I have rdered from
Solarbotics, I'm going to start on a walker. Actually, While waiting for
my order, I've already started it (soon to be on my web page). I have
absolutly NO experiance with microcores, so I need to know what to do.

I'm using 2 pager motors (Don't worry, they're geared....I hope they
work) so will I need a motor driver since they are such low current?
Also, What do I use? A microcore, bicore....I have circuits, but I don't
know how to implement them.

I also want to, in the long run, give it some sort of turn capability to
avoid obstacles, but that's AFTER I get it walking and understand it.
Any help? I would like to see a circuit diagram of how the motors are
actually incorporated into the microcore. I have only seen the microcore
by itself, and have no idea what to do with it.

Thanks a lot!


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