Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00231

From: Michael Kennan
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:42:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Transistors

1. Mouser's prices and availability suck. Their transistor prices look
good, but everything else there is usually much more than Digikey or
Questlink. They don't give any useful information on their parts on the
web or in their catalog. On the web, the part numbers you mentioned are
listed as 'Possible stock - call for availability'... the few times I did
actually call, I got lead times of 3-6 months.

2. Both of the 3906's are listed as having a manufacturers part number of
'243906'... same for the 3904s. The 610s are listed as being General
Semiconductor parts, their data sheets are at

The 625s are listed as Central Semiconductor parts... they do not put
information about their non-SMT parts on the web... you have to order a
catalog from

> I just recieved the Mouser Electronics catalog, and I'm looking at the
> transistor section. On the 2N3904 and the 2N3906, there seem to be 2 types,
> they're different in price and stock number. For Industry type, they're
> identical (2N3904 AND 2N3906), but for exapmle, Stock # 610-2N3906 is $0.19,
> and Stock #625-2N3906 is $0.10 (and the same thing for the 2N3904s)
> Is there a difference between these, or should I just go with the cheaper one
> for money's sakes?

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