Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00181

From: Michael Kennan
Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: 'Schmitt trigger'

>electronics... you'll discover very quickly that the best way to implement
>a threshold in a neuron is to use a Schmitt trigger with some sort of RC
You should also check out Byte Magazine April 1985...and article titled
"Reverse Engineering The Brain " by John K. Stevens , bottom of page
296, "....we can simulate an axon with a simple Schmitt trigger circuit or
a one-shot". This article changed the way my brain thinks. :-)

>See the semi-recent flood of letters regarding splitting the list into a
>pro list and a newbie list for more info.
This has been talked about ever since the creation of this list, I
have only recently returned to it after a year of travel and tours.

>>>>BEAM is a tool that can teach us many things, but it should not
>>>>become a fanatical movement or thought of as a revolution in
>>>>robot design.
>>Unfortunately, there are "fanatics" among us. It is a revolution
>> that it has made people realize that a CPU is not nessary
>>to controll certian functions. I would like to state for the record that
>>I LIKE CPU's... Computers have played a big part in my life.
>Also for the record, I seem to recall that Tilden himself states that the
>primary _usefulness_ of the microcore will be a result of the integration
>of this type of circuit with conventional circuits

I for one do not have a problem with that concept. That is basiclly what I
meant when I said..." a CPU is not nessary to controll certian functions"
Maybe the others did not understand me. I am not a "fanatic" although
Zoz once pinned a Heretic badge on me...that I can live with. ;-)


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