Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00177
From: "Scott Martin"
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 15:10:33 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] One and the same
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Hello Zoz,
I see you have two alias...John A. deVries II and Jean auBois ;-)
John A. deVries II wrote:
>In court?
You all ready know the answer to that considering you
work at the same place and can walk right into his office
to ask him. You do still work there don't you?
Jean auBois wrote:
>He made several highly competent photovores that he called
>tortoises back in 1948, at least a few years before Tilden was born
Yes, I think most people on this list know about that. Still, it has =
nothing to do with what I was talking about, or meant.
>This isn't a "new" revolution at all. It may be useful, it may even be th=
>founding of a lasting technology, but it is hardly particularly novel or
First ... I never used the word "new" thats your creation.
Second .... What I meant by "revolution" is this:
Up until BEAM started to show up in the press - people's perception of
"WHAT" a robot was, was a cpu based bot that was programmed to perform
a particular task. Beam has changed the way "some"people look at bots.
To this day there are still people that think a robot must have a cpu,
otherwise it's only a toy. This you know. So don't twist my words Zoz. =
>James Watt came up with a workable ANALOG method of controlling the power
>output of a steam engine a -very- long time ago. He didn't use a CPU did =
>He probably wouldn't have understood the concept of one.
And your point?...I fail to see one in that statement?
>If ANYONE was the original BEAMer, he was -- with strong emphasis on each =
>the acronym stands for. Try looking at the following web pages:
I have before Zoz, it's really not about WHO was the original BEAMer at all=
. Its about
the definition of what a revolution IS. Change....change in peoples attitud=
e towards
robots and what they think a robot is....try it, ask any laymen on the stre=
et what a
robot is.
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Jean auBois wrote:
>He made several highly competent photovores that he=
>tortoises back in 1948, at least a few years before=
Tilden =
was born
Yes, I think most people on this list know about that. =
Still, =
it has
nothing to do with what I was talking about, or =
>This isn't a "new" revolu=
tion at =
all. It may be useful, it may even be the
>founding of a lastin=
g =
technology, but it is hardly particularly novel =
First ... I never used the word "n=
ew" =
thats your creation.
Second .... What I meant by =
"revolution" is this:
Up until BEAM started to show up in the press - people'=
s =
perception of
"WHAT" a robot was, was a cpu based bot that =
was =
programmed to perform
a particular task. Beam has changed the way =
"some"people look at bots.
To this day there are still people that think a robot m=
ust =
have a cpu,
otherwise it's only a toy. This you know. So don't twis=
t my =
words Zoz.
>James Watt came up with a workable ANALOG method of=
controlling the power
>output of a steam engine a -very- long time =
ago. He didn't use a CPU did he?
>He probably wouldn't have =
understood the concept of one.
And your point?...I fail to see one in that =
>If ANYONE was the original BEAMer, he was -- with s=
trong =
emphasis on each word
>the acronym stands for. Try looking at t=
he =
following web pages:
I have before Zoz, it's really not about WHO was the or=
iginal =
BEAMer at all. Its about
the definition of what a revolution IS. Change....chang=
e in =
peoples attitude towards
robots and what they think a robot is....try it, ask an=
y =
laymen on the street what a
robot is.
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