Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00175
To: 'Scott Martin';
From: Wilf Rigter
Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 9:04 PM
Subject: RE: Schmitt trigger
>Ok Scott,
> This sounds like a nefarious plot!
> From Perceptrons to supressing AI: how did this come about?
Well I'm not Scott, and to read his view would be nice, but in the college
system if it doesn't fall into what the boss (professor, teacher etc.) deems
worthy, it does not need to be explored. I can see doing that in business
but college where you are supposed to learn how to think and explore and
push boundaries.....
That's why I left. I don't believe that there is only one way to do things
and just because it hasn't been done that way before or violates the laws of
physics or just the law it is intrinsically wrong. That makes a lot of
people who get degrees useless. I actually had to explain to a computer
science major why a Pentium2 "Cartridge would not fit in a 486 socket. And
I've had others put floppies in upside down, folded, cut, busted and other
ways that you don't even laugh. you just say "duuuude, what were you
In short by limiting the students to a vision of what is acceptable, they
are destroying critical thinking and scientific exploration. Curiosity is
what you have before college.
They found him slumped over his computer. The last words he had written
were, "I've found it,
the secret of eternal grapfooey dirklelfleeepin grabfratz breskgvomi
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