Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00170

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 14:45:42 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Why not button cells (WHAT?)

Why don't you use a resistor in series with the battery. Expiriment, something
that gives a pop every second or two. It'll appear to run longer and still not
be unbearably slow. I may do that for the bots for the next show that use solar
power, as there is insufficient light indoors for mine to work efficiently.

Michael Kennan wrote:
> I usually place a home-made
> socket for them right underneath the solar cell, so I can really fire the
> little buggers up when people want to see what they do. (Most mere mortals
> don't seem to want to spend time-lapse quantities of time waiting to grok
> the overall behavior of the bot. Sheesh.) The only problem is that I can
> easily drain a $5 battery in a few minutes, some last tens of minutes, but
> not too long. Expensive hobby.

Richard Piotter

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