Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00149

Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 22:14:34 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Micro-SE

In a message dated 2/2/99 7:26:25 PM Mountain Standard Time,

> About 5 years ago I build a Micro-sized FM Bug/transmitter inside of an
> ink pen.. plastic case transistors were too large so I purchased some in
> the original "Metal Can" case. Using an assortment of jewler's tools I
> cut the case off and managed to remove the transistor element from the
> base of the can. VERY thin wires are tack welded onto the chip and it
> takes a delicate hand to connect them to larger wires, i had a success
> rate of about 1 in 5 without breaking the silicon element or the wires.
> I then encased them inside a very small drop of epoxy. Total size of the
> transistors was about .5mm X 1mm so small they look like bits of dirt..
> Using surface mount components the entire circuit comprised of 3
> transistors, a few resistors and capacitors and a small coil was aprox.
> 3x4mm and thats 3 times the components of a solar engine.
> Perhaps I will look into this some more and come out with a line of
> solar engines soo small you wont even be able to see them on a bot..
> Im talking 3x3mm or smaller..
> I will look into component sources and keep you updated, Would anyone
> be interested in buying these MSE's (Micro Solar Engines) if I were to
> produce them at a nominal cost?

Well just rip that idea from me. You always have to be better. I hope you can
tell im kidding. I was planning the try the same thing, although i could make
my 3 X 3 X 4mm solar engine 3mm cubed by sanding one of the sides down (its
all just transistor case anyway) but i dont have a Dremel. I would like to
know the parts you have in mind for this expidition. Do they make the 2N3906
and 2N3904 in metal cans? Anyway, i wish you good luck.


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