Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00142

To: "Ian Bernstein",,
From: George Rix
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 99 11:33:22 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: New tracked bot - with Innovatiuon

>Thats why we should have a contest for best innovation. Now remember,
>innovation doesn't mean it has to be complex. For an example look at
>Richards Mini-Ball idea. They can also be complex like my sensors on
>tracked bot. I think there could be a proven category and an idea
Well, if this does go through, I'd better get Armadillo done pretty =
darn fast! I also have an idea for a different two-motor layout for a =
walker. It's cool, though kinda hard to explain. Anyone have $50 so I =
can buy all the stuff I need? Please?
Signing off,
Rob Rix

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