Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00115

To: "BEAM",
From: "Dan Larson"
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 08:02:34 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: I hate to do this

On Tue, 02 Feb 1999 17:54:26 +1000, Paul B. Webster VK2BZC wrote:


> Spamming a chain letter to a mailing list is (with certain particular
>lists excepted I daresay, but I wouldn't know about these lists), a
>request for termination from that list.

Hmmm, maybe you have a potential solution to the "unsubscribe" problem here!

Forwarding spam to the list would probably be much easier than retaining
the welcome message and actually *reading* it. "Hey I want off this list,
,, let me send some spam to it... that'll do the trick!"......

> Please, *NEVER, EVER* spam chain letters to mailing lists. Consider
>the other list users your *good friends,* and treat them accordingly.

Even *opening* a spam chain letter is an act of questionable merit,
let alone forwarding it to anyone. I've become quite good at picking
them out through the contents of their subject lines. Not that that is
a hard thing to do, mind you.

> Cheers,
> Paul B.


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