Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00027
To: George Roach
From: James Niemasik
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 19:07:24 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: need some good advice please
Probably your best option is to buy the Photopopper kit from Solarbotics.
Assuming you have some electronics knowledge (i.e. you can read a schematic,
solder, etc.), this kit is a great introduction to BEAM and can hang around
in an RJP with all the future bots you build. The other options are to buy
the Solarspeeder kit or scratchbuild a robot, but I'd go with the
George Roach wrote:
> Hi,
> For Christmas I recieved some money (in the order of about $150
> U.S.) from one of my reliatives. I am somewhat new to beam robotics but
> I like it a lot and would like to invest some money in it and i was
> wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I should get. Kits,
> expensive parts, ect. Any suggestions would be accepted. Thanks.
> -George Roach
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