Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #00009
To: "BEAM", "Evan Dudzik"
From: "Dan Larson"
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 99 17:04:57 +0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: HELP ME:static and photovores...
Eveyrthing from Digi-Key with a semi-conductor comes that way.
Don't worry about it. Just open them up and touch something
metal before touching the leads of the devices. I've never
taken extraordinary precautions handling things and have never
fried a part yet.
If you are going to be careful with anything, be careful
with the CMOS devices (74HCT???). You can roll out a piece
of aluminum foil on your work surface and dump out the parts
onto that if you wish to be a little more cautious. Maybe
avoid petting your cat, if you have one, while you are working
would also help .
Have Fun!
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999 13:28:56 -0800 (PST), Evan Dudzik wrote:
>can anyone help me??? i got some parts from digikey and a lot of them
>came in static free bags and they said they were static sensetive. i
>got some PNP and NPN transistors, 1381 voltage detectors, and
>74HCT240E-ND chips. i dont want to open them, because i might fry
>them. are they really that sensetive? do i need some static protection
>to solder them? please help me!
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