Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #00004

To: Evan Dudzik
From: "Jesse D."
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 16:39:30 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: HELP ME:static and photovores...

I have rarely burned a chip from static, but many are very sensitive.
Just go to your local parts shack and buy an ESD wrist-strap, its a
conductive rubber wrist-strap with a 50k resistor in it. Hook it up to a
ground, like a pipe under your bathroom sink, or a rod driven 6-8 feet
in moist earth and you will be totally safe from static damage to your

P.S. I wouldnt advise using the ground wire from an electrical outlet..

Evan Dudzik wrote:
> can anyone help me??? i got some parts from digikey and a lot of them
> came in static free bags and they said they were static sensetive. i
> got some PNP and NPN transistors, 1381 voltage detectors, and
> 74HCT240E-ND chips. i dont want to open them, because i might fry
> them. are they really that sensetive? do i need some static protection
> to solder them? please help me!
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__ __ Jesse C. Druehl __ __
/ `-' / ,,, AKA (Smoke) ,,, \ `-' \
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